Portable Fire Extinguisher Supply & Servicing

We service and supply all types of fire extinguisher to the British Standard BS5306. Our Fireline engineers are fully qualified to inspect and service portable fire extinguishers. Extinguishers that are not maintained annually to the British Standard are no longer considered compliant.



Portable Fire Extinguisher Supply & Servicing

We service and supply all types of fire extinguisher to the British Standard BS5306. Our Fireline engineers are fully qualified to inspect and service portable fire extinguishers. Extinguishers that are not maintained annually to the British Standard are no longer considered compliant.


Large picture of 4 fire extinguishers

Under the British Standard, an extended service - otherwise known as discharge testing - is to be carried out at stipulated intervals. For water, foam, dry powder or wet chemical extinguishers, this is every 5 years. CO2 extinguishers require extended servicing every 10 years. In the case of powder or CO2 extinguishers, you will be offered a service exchange unit which is more practical and economical than emptying and refilling the contents.

Our Service Department will remind you when your annual service is due and make the necessary arrangements for an engineer to visit. Furthermore, we operate an online database which means your servicing and equipment records (including manufacturer, year of manufacture, next test discharge date and each extinguisher's location) is maintained in our database, to which you will also have access. This is particularly beneficial if you are a multi-site company, as at a glance you can see in real-time when sites are due a service.

Click here for a printable chart detailing Fire Extinguisher Types and When to Use Them.


Process of Commissioning

Commissioning of a new or refurbished extinguisher should be carried out by a competent person. After removal from its packaging and transit protection, and immediately before being placing in its designated location, the extinguisher must undergo the sequence of commissioning service actions described in British Standards, with the safety precautions being carefully observed.

In the event that the manufacturer has not marked the mass of the extinguisher or a nominal range of mass for the extinguisher, the competent person should consult the manufacturer’s workshop manual for that model or contact the manufacturer to obtain this information.
When all of these checks have been satisfactorily completed, the extinguisher should be installed and positioned in accordance with BS 5306-8